Let us talk about the difference between concrete vs asphalt driveway. Your home is your haven. A touch of refreshing aspects and peals of elegance will go a long way in improving its appeal. But did you know that taking care of your driveway will always be essential in this pursuit? You need to build the best. 

Undoubtedly, you will want to choose between two popular options, asphalt vs concrete. But you do not have to be indecisive anymore. We take a look at some of the top aspects that distinguish these two. Read with us!

Well, it would be best to explore the pros and cons of these two forms of paving first. It is from this that we can determine which one suits you better. 

Concrete vs Asphalt Driveway Guide

Asphalt paving 


  •   It is relatively reasonably priced 
  •   Guarantees you lower maintenance costs 
  •   This driveway will be relatively durable 
  •   Much easier to repair 
  •   Does not feature noticeable stains if there are any oil leaks 


  •   It is prone to both pitting and cracks 
  •   The installers usually require substantial training before the installation
  •   Asphalt driveways tend to emit more hydrocarbons, making them less friendly to the environment 

concrete vs asphalt

Concrete paving 


  •   A much lower upfront cost 
  •   Guarantees an enhanced curb appeal and beauty 
  •   Enhanced ability to absorb UV radiations 
  •   Its load-bearing capacity is relatively high 
  •   You will spend much less on its maintenance 
  •   Friendly to the environment 
  •   It is much easier to track any sticky or oily material in your home or garage 
  •   Did you know that its resale value will also be much higher? 
  •   Enhanced longevity and value for your money 


  •   It requires annual maintenance 
  •   It is not DIY-friendly 
  •   It takes much longer to install 


An in-depth look at asphalt vs concrete driveway options

Undeniably, you will want to compare these two options before making a credible conclusion in the long run. Well, such is the time to explore how they perform under different aspects. 

The cost will always supersede various aspects when comparing these two options. While asphalt will cost you between 2 and 4 dollars per square foot, you will need to part with between 4 and 6 dollars for a concrete driveway. In most cases, the price of asphalt will depend on the cost of crude oil. But looking at the value of your money in the long run, a concrete driveway will be cheaper. 

Now, let us talk about repairs and maintenance. Usually, asphalt driveways require repairs six months after the initial installation. Such is the time to consider sealing. You will repeat this process after three to five years. On the other hand, you will not require much sealing if you choose concrete driveways. 

One critical aspect that you should always consider in this regard should be the weather patterns in your region of residence. Often, concrete will crack and even thaw at exposure to constant freezing. While at it, asphalt would be a poor choice in hot climates. It tends to soften and stick on your car tires and shoes. 

Indeed, these concrete vs asphalt driveway two options will always be among the best choices. However, you will need to focus on the one that offers you better results and value. Take your time to compare and decide.

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